Sorry, I can't. I have important sitting on my ass to do!
Yeah, I didn't practice drawing yesterday. I thought I was going to start raiding in WoW again, but that's tonight. Instead I played some games and started watch a new anime series.
I just saw on the Atlus site and you can order Disgaea for $29.99 new, I paid $39.99 for a used copy. I thought I was OK with it since I hate ordering stuff on the internet, but after seeing it with my eyes, I REGRET!
Well, why was I on Atlus site? To show you a screen of this:
Summon Knight: Swordcraft Story

It feels like an old RPG, except it doesn't have turn-based battles. There are random battles but when you battle its like a side scrolling action, like in Zelda 2 for NES.
The battle system and the game is centered around weapons and weapon making. There are 5 weapon types, but you can have 3 different types equipped (which you can rotate through in battle, supposedly to do some combos) when you grind for smithing materials in this labyrinth. but you also do tournament battles for story progression and you can only have one weapon equipped for that. Some of the weapons are pretty broken; fist and axes both have a stunning move you can use over and over and nothing I've encountered really is immune to just spamming them with it.
Other than some of the weapons being too good, there isn't that much that's bad, but I didn't have huge hopes for it when I got it. The reviews say is the worst part is the amount of random battles.
There are a lot of random battles, but they are short and easy. Unlike FFIII for DS, where after you beat each battle you spend like a 1/2 hour on the gaining levels and job levels screen, or worse Phantasy Star 2 or the beginning of Shining in the Darkness where each random battle is epic and death is a complete possibility. OHHHH, Phantasy Star 2!!! After each random battle, dudes should have come out and carried you away cheering, then a freeze frame when they run the credits. Oh, man...there aren't that many random battles because I've played Lufia 2. I've traveled back from the future to write this because somewhere I'm still playing it.
I also played some Phoenix Wright, the game is hilarious. The sequel comes out 01/16/07, so I'll probably buy it when I pick up my copy of Burning Crusade. Also, this game Hotel Dusk, is coming out 01/22/07, definitely getting that too.
Also, I watched a couple episodes of this show:

Show is definitely surreal. The animation is like taking the character designs of the Heavy Metal movie and combining it with the frame rate of the MAXX, and using an unknown process to make it suck more. But, I don't know if its because I liked it more or it was getting better, but what I couldn't stand to look at in episode 1 was pretty good looking in episode 3.
I'll probably watch some more tonight, since I downloaded Sunabozu and after 12 episodes I just can't watch anymore. I'll download the Shana OVA today, but WHERE IS YAMATO NADESHIKO SHICHI HENGE EPISODE 11, or Death Note 13.
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