Yes, its fun. Nothing is better than hitting the "2" button constantly!
Did I practice?
But, before I went home yesterday I did pre-order Phoenix Wright 2: Justice For All at this EB down the street, so I could get the special pre-order stylus. I've gone game crazy, I almost pre-ordered everything that I wanted right on the spot. Final Fantasy VI Advance on 02/04/07 and I mentioned Hotel Dusk is coming out like a week after Phoenix 2.
I have shown some restraint, not that Zelda: Twilight Princess isn't appealing, but until something that I can't resist come out on Wii, I've decided to hold off on it, and just keep up with the DS titles coming out, and back-tracking some GBA games. Well, actually I want to do some more research and get one of these M3 adapters, so I can play GBA and NDS emus. Free is better than...not free.
Side Note: Mistwalker better not be an amazing company! I will kill John Paul Lamprea and then Bill Gates.
Last night, WoW raiding started again. The holiday break was nice, raiding still sucks. We were in Naxx, and I died like 800 times to trash mobs. It was not just me who sucked, we wiped so much to GWF and Raz. No no, its not our fault... its Blizzard that sucks, mind-control fights are STUPID. JPL(John-Paul Lamprea), he told me , why didn't I believe...his genius cannot be put into words.

Anyway back to Naxx, we had two 1% wipes on Raz because of mind control breaks, and all the DPS can't help getting insta-gibbed. "Insta-gibbed", I don't even know what that means. Anyway, GWF is retarded in the same way, we had breaks and MT dies in like a second. Unlike Raz we did end up killing GWF, the attempt we won I died when she was at 95%.
After the raid I watched another episode of Kemonozume, which was a bad decision since it was almost 1:00 am. The animation doesn't bother me at all now. Episode 4 was some back story which is good since you have no idea whats going on for the most part. But, it kind of revealed that like good guys are bad, and bad guys are not that bad, but ummm...still bad. They eat people...when is that ever not bad?
I'll probably won't find anytime to watch anymore tonight, more Naxx today.
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