Weekend Activities? Respirate.
Did I use any of my free time to practice? Nah.
First weekend in 2007 is over and it wasn't too shabby. I didn't do anything, but nothing made it suck.
I saw Children of Men on Saturday, after JPL told me it would, "...rape my face." I took that as a positive, even though it could only be horrifying if the real life incident occurred. The movie was good. I'll admit I say a lot of bad things about movies, but I don't have anything bad to say about it. Oh, someone told me that Pan's Labyrinth was supposed to be released at the theater down the street this Friday. If it does not come out that day, seriously I'm going to torch a building. If I did that though, would I be able to resist the slow walk, so I can be silhouetted by the flame? I can only assume the slow-paced dramatic exit is a number one reasons for criminals getting caught.
I was going to name today's entry, "Hey, Uwe Boll, Fuck you!" This Friday while coming home I realized that Uwe Boll had pretty much reached international fame for making the worst movies known to man. No one should be throwing around of the name of the man who made House of the Dead, even if its to call him a hack on some internet forum. After this day, I will never mention Uwe Boll again, I suggest you (Von Doomliff) my only reader, to do the same.
The majority of my weekend was spent watching the first season of "How I Met Your Mother" which I got as a christmas gift. Show is amazing! Neil Patrick Harris...hilarious, Cobie that brunette...HOT, and old Ted is Bob Saget...DID YOU SEE THE ARISTOCRATS? Its a shame minor pop culture references have jumped the shark, damn you Family Guy. I don't care if I'm called trite, I will love them forever. As I love Karate Kid and Goonies.
Anime? Should I have listed this under TV?
Ehh, watching an entire season of a TV show does not leave you with much time for anything else. Episode 11 of Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge or as I will refer to it from now on, "the goth girl show", finally came out Friday. It was only disappointing after the long wait, it was probably was a decent episode. Lets hope the next one comes out today or tomorrow and redeems this show. Eh, maybe not since the show is actually not that great, but the voice actress for the main character is amazing.
Where is Death Note 13?! These fansubbers with their own lives, WHAT ABOUT US!?!
Raiding was actually fun. We dropped Noth our first new boss in a while and we got to move on to a new boss, Patchwerk. Patchwerk is a beast. He deserves a better character model, not just being a big abomination. Why are they so lazy? They can make good character models, Maexnna is awesome looking. She looks like MC Pee Pants from ATHF.

Anything Else?
Nope. Not right now.
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