Monday, April 23, 2007

Apparently I like spending my free time with idiots...

Drawn? Actually, I did a rough stick outline of a super stereotypical shounen manga I thought up a while back. But no, not really.

Today's Focus: WoW PUGs ~ ('P'ick 'U'p 'G'roup)s

Today's Focus note: If you are JPL, Groggy, or Von Doomliff. You have heard this crap a billion times, maybe ... 2 billion, but I write it anyways because I don't like it.

I think I have mentioned that I've become re-addicted to WoW recently and since I have been inactive for 3 months I got a lot of catching up to do gear, reputation, and attunement wise. Since Ravage, my guild, isn't going to halt the works and stop raiding to help me get everything I need, I'm forced to seek the aid of "others". Who are these "others"? Random people who also, for some reason, don't have people to run these instances with them. Number 1 reason why they don't have anyone to run instance with them? Anyone (looks right)? Anyone (looks left, and then right quickly), its an easy answer? FYI: THEY'RE MORONS.

For those of you who don't play MMOs or have never experienced a PUG ... how can I make a real-life comparison? Its like if you went into a room with 4 raging spastic imbecile and then voluntarily locked the only way out and then swallowed the key, and then you would have to wait 1 1/2 to 5 hours to painfully excrete this key back out and get the hell out of there. Oh, and these people all have guns; guns called inadequacy. This is the pleasurable description of a PUG.

There are so many reasons why PUG groups suck so much, but I am going to just cover two of them since they seem to be the two things I piss and moan about the most.

1. Most groups depend solely on a single class slash player to succeed. Who's fault? THE TANK!

This game is too easy. There is only one class that requires the minimum of work, skill and knowledge and other people are at the whim of this player to get a little bit of those. They don't. Really please do, please for the love of god read a forum post on how to play and spare people the agony of having to be associated with you.

Hey guy, if 4 other people in your group are telling you to do something, its probably the RIGHT THING to do! Stop thinking that you have a new and creative way to do the job because obviously you don't even know the old correct way! You're no rebel! You should only be even prepare to rebel against is the mob of people who will want to punch you in the face if they find out where you live.

Why are you so senstive too? Why are you such a pansy? That you cannot handle a little instruction and cry like the girl you are and make the rest of you cater to your every need because it would take HOURS to get another warrior!


2. One uber-suck player can ruin the whole thing. Major offender? THE MAGE!

I'm not really going to elaborate too much on this because I could literally rant endlessly. I'm just going to say that 98% of all mages are complete tools, then there is the 2% I haven't met. I hate them. I hate them like I would hate the person who found the body of my old cat, reanimated him, then reversed time till he was a kitten, and redundantly killed him by choking him under water. "YOU STUPID STUPIDLY CRUEL BASTARD!" They don't know how to play, they don't want to learn how to play, and their mothers are street walkers. Not that kind that walk for a low impact exercise, nope. I mean hookers; hookers that raise dimwits for children.

Dude, mage, dude .. mage.. dude... here are some points for you man.

1. Don't break your own sheep. You got that man, you got that. YOU GOT THAT. YOUUUUUUUU GOT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Don't nuke the mob .003 seconds after engaging. Then after you pull aggro, blame the tank. Its not the tank fault, its yours. AND DON'T be like, "Oh, I've had tanks hold aggro off me! you just suck..." because this tank in your scenario DOES NOT EXIST. If I asked for the name of this tank, you would be like ", a name? Hm, Mylies?" WORST part about that, is like the 3 other dudes who aren't me would be like, "Oh, must be real; he has a name. How is that pronounced? Like, like...'miles'?"

3. Stop playing.

Anything Else?

Not today. PRETTY tired.


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