Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tuesday with Von Doomliff - "Hulk smash puny handwriting."

Now because I am incapable of actually writing an entry everyday; a weekly addition by Von Doomliff named , " Tuesday with Von Doomliff "

Welcome to the inaugural edition of "Tuesdays with Von Doomliff", initially I wished to entitle this "Kneel before Von Doomliff", but my people advise against it. Some may wonder why Von Doomliff is blogging, Von Doomliff's advisors tell him that it is the twenty first century way to maintain a presence with the proletariat, that it makes a connection with them. Von Doomliff feels the only connection the people need is with the oubliette, but Von Doomliff acquiesces for now.

The burning question all must ask is; "What is Von Doomliff doing with his time", and the answer is thus: Working on his penmanship. Von Doomliff has decided that his written word is not the epitome of perfection that he demands so Von Doomliff has begun a systematic program designed to improve penmanship.

Why has Von Doomliff mastered the Q first over all letters, Von Doomliff knows of the Q's uselessness, yet it flows from the pen like a beautiful flower. The Q suffers from a similar problem as the Z, in that it doesn't really look like what it is supposed to be, though it is not as severe as the Z, if you squint hard enough you can at least imagine the Q is a Q, the Z however is shit. Von Doomliff wants someone to explain the capital cursive Z. It is not a letter, Von Doomliff demands to know who is responsible, Von Doomliff plans to develop time travel to return to the past and flay whomever created this typographical abomination.

Von Doomlif feels that all cursive can be explained as perhaps a drunken bet between some manuscript illuminators, either that or perhaps the ancients were just assholes, it matters not, they too will all tremble before the wrath of Von Doomliff.

That is all for now, return next week for another fascinating insight into the world of Von Doomliff, when we will discuss Von Doomliff's favorite films.



At August 29, 2007 at 3:02 PM , Blogger Guy Mockingdale said...

DUDE! "Who wrote this entry?" "I believe it was Von Doomliff ..."

Hilarious link that needs to be seen to understand fully why I have written what I have just written. ( Provided by JPL )

At August 29, 2007 at 8:56 PM , Blogger Ginger said...

This is good. Please continue to entertain me with your blog.


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