"It's not the spiciness its the amount!!!"
Sir I Apologize?
I'm not going to pussy-foot around it, ever since what I will refer to as the "Wawa Sandwich Incident", I have thought of JPL as lesser man. According to him he rushed out to Wawa grab a quick sandwich before Grey's Anatomy came on, and when he got back home and started eating it he claims there was an inhuman amount of horseradish on his sub; as if the roast beef were actually the condiment. This made him scream out like woman and spoiled his viewing of the dramatic lives of the dysfunctional doctors he loves so much. HOW DARE THEY ruin the most magical hour of his week or maybe his inability to handle it like a man is what actually ruined it?
Well I no longer look down on JPL because this weekend I got BIOSHOCK for my newly acquired 360 ... which I got boned on ... [fast talking] no HMDI port you Circuit City bastards! [/fast talking]. HOLD UP, did I just use html tag emote? NOOoooooo. What ...you forgive me? Sweet.
Yes, yes, BIOSHOCK ... it scared me. I don't want to put it back in the machine. Its changed me; parts of me are never going to be "alright". Will I ever learn to love again? I think one reason I'm scared is because I suck at the game. Me running away from crap in the game, is about as affective as me running away from stuff in real life. Mockingdale run? PLEASE, I once promised to God I would never walk again, anything faster than that is definitely right out.
The other reason I'm scared is because the game is fucking scary. This game has a tremendous amount of just creepy voice acting: screams, whispers, moans, whimpers, cackling, the revurbed-tinny-static-ridden-hilter-esque-30's-radio-show voice of big brother, and let us not forget the creepiest voice of all, little girl.
Dude, why are all these games so dark, its like the darkest game since Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. Can like deranged, mutated, psychotic people not stand to be well lit? Maybe its the other way, you know? "Ohh man, this fluorescent bulb is getting dim and flickering, I best get home and get my pipe and ... my lust for killing ..."

Well, I got both the games I said was going to get; Blue Dragon and BIOSHOCK. I also happened to get Picross or as it should be called ... Pi-awesome ... but not Pi the number, but not Pee like the urine. Awesome-cross, yes it shall be called Awesome-cross. I think it might deserve an entry all its own because of its awesomeness ... not because I'm tired of writing.
Anything Else?
Definitely not.
Labels: jpl loves grey's anatomy, video games, wawa sandwich incident
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