Don Quixote has taken down greater men then you.
Hey Brah?
ENOUGH! No, I did not practice, but here is that strip I said I would put up.
Unbelievable though someone has actually used this DeviantArt function to "fav" it. Its annoying; upsetting like when my MySpace counter goes up. I'm I suppose to thank them, "fav" one of their pictures? Are there some kind of rules?! Seems like a lot of hassle, the idea occurred to me to write them an angry letter, but honestly that seems at "stoodent" as you can get ... the dilemma.
Shocking. Nothing to report on WoW. Yesterday, I played about an hour total.
I did buy this yesterday this:
Hotel Dusk: Room 215

Ok, back to Hotel Dusk, this game is one of the coolest looking games ever. The opening was amazing, game play looks amazing. Too bad so far nothing else is as good as it looks. The play is completely clunky. The most annoying thing is everything needs to be double clicked with the stylus, which you would think is no big deal till you need to click everything in the world.
YEAH, there is a lot to click; its awesome that its one of those games like Myst, where its like "leave no leaf unturned". But dude, you live in a forest, its 12 miles by 12 miles big, and one side your neighbor sucks and uses his leaf blower to push everything onto your side of the fence, and the other side some dude throws an old christmas tree into your yard and you go "OH, YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. The needles are like infinitely small and ... round." Then you shut off the game.
There is also as much talking as there is clicking, which sucks since there is plenty of clicking while talking. I think after I finished talking to the first dude, I turned 80. But all the talking isn't so bad. They give you a lot of story, but maybe too much. I am a little worried that someone is going to say something important and I'm not going to care because I'm watching like Phil of the Future on TV and I lose the game. It does have some cool features though. During conversations with people you get points in which you can force in a question or let them continue. Also, there are moments where questions and insights come to you, like "What did he mean by that?" These accumulate in a list and you can ask them these questions at the end. At the end of the conversation you can actually read a log of everything said too, and you also have access to a memo pad, where you actually write your own notes with the stylus. I was wowed by it. I am a simple man.
Scrabble still on my mind, too. I printed out a list of like a couple hundred words that are supposedly extremely helpful during Scrabble; like 2 letter words, 3 letter words, and words with Q, J, X and Z in them. I have no idea if its going to help; I've got the list but am I really going to bother to memorize them?
So, I watched Nodame Cantabile 1 and 2 yesterday. The show was entertaining and I will continue to watch, but Nodame I've never hated any single anime character so much. She is an embodiment of everything I dislike and then animated. If I were Von Doomliff she would be his employer Aramark combined with Boy Meets World, and she voted against Reagan.
What is the show about? I don't know its kind of like a feel good ... spor ... music??? & Clover. The whole show reminds me of the character designs and animation of Honey & Clover, which was good. Other than that, I don't know what going on, is he a musical prodigy? Nodame is most definitely is, and I guess its going to be about how well they mesh together. I don't know if I am a fan of how they showcase the music. I want more of the characters less time them sitting at the piano.

Episode 1: I laughed very loud when, dude hit the soda can and it stirred up flies. Also, what was Nodame wearing in episode one, a potato sack?
Episode 2: Dude, the violinist like seriously how many anime characters can they make look like this guy.
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