Thursday, January 18, 2007

If you're suppose to turn right I'll do this, if you're suppose to turn left I'll punch you in the face.

d.y.d.? Nope.

What's with these entry titles, last couple are making no sense?
I don't know. Don't ask dumb questions.


Didn't log onto WoW until 9:00 last night, as if I wasn't far enough behind in experience already. Third day playing and I still haven't left Hellfire Peninsula, but I think I've almost tapped this place out. According to a quest map I saw on some site I still have 6 to 9 quests left but screw it, I'm sick of this place. I just want to do a couple of Blood Furnace runs and I'm ready for the next zone.

I did my first instance of BC, Hellfire Ramparts, after fighting the lag. Took 15 minutes just to zone into the instance and 2/3 through ( which took a LONG time since we all would lag out of the game every time we looted a body ) we got hit by an 30 minutes server shutdown. After the restart things were better and I ran Ramparts twice. The experience was GOOD; like 600 exp a kill and its crazy short ( 40 minute runs ) with 3 bosses. The loot was really good for those with MC/ZG loots. I think 4 upgrades each for the 2 different healers we ran. I only got one upgrade to my old tier1 belt, and a blue neck dropped that I really couldn't do the math right then to see if it was better than ony neck, so I passed it to the hunter.

I really need to see more instances because this was definitely too easy. We were in mostly ZG, MC, and BWL epics but this instance could have been rolled by UBRS blues group and there were constant green and blue drops better than MC loots and sometimes equivalent to tier2. The bosses were not very interesting. First boss is just a tank and burn healer adds, second boss was a warlock mob with a plague ae style dot. Last boss was not bad; first you dropped his 2 adds, then the boss will engage. He hit hard but has VERY low hp, and his mount ( who is flying around ) bombs you and leaves that ae fire like the ZG bat boss. After you drop him, his mount will land and use a breath weapon and can still creates the ae fire puddles. Our kills of the last boss were sloppy; first time we killed him, the MT dropped like a brick to the breath weapon and we ended up kiting/burning him. Only the hunter survived but at least it was a 1 shot. The second time our healer was really dropping the ball; 3 wipes to instant MT deaths when the mount descended. It was a good instance, but after all the positive talk on the beta forums I expected more. I hope I can get into Blood Furnace tonight, and maybe The Slave Pens, even though I hear that's one of the worst instances in BC.

I also picked up my copy of Phoenix Wright 2 yesterday, and a used copy of RE: Code Veronica X for GameCube. Why did I get it?! Regret will settle in like it did with the Disgaea for $39.99. I haven't played Phoenix 2 though, I was about to pop in when the server went down, but I realized I still hadn't finished the first one. So, I put that in. It was good.

I found out today, I'm not sure about the details, but apparently there is a special Gamer's Gift Card at Best Buy that comes with a $5 dollar coupon for any game above $19.99. You can purchase this card for any amount, so technically you could get $5 off for .01 cent. I think I'm going to try it out later this month when Hotel Dusk comes out. I was going to get it at EB, but I saw that it was $34.99, when I later saw at Best Buy it was $29.99.

Anything else?

Yesterday, I had an idea that I should eat Cheetos with chopsticks to avoid the orange finger syndrome. I did it today at work and it was glorious. Way to go, me!


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