Friday, January 26, 2007

If two bottles are $1.00, then four bottles would be $2.00 !!

... ?

That's right! You better "
..." !! /chest puff + arrogant eye squint. Man, I'm tough.


I say a lot of dumb stuff.


I still lack the will to play WoW; another night I only played an hour. I'm falling even further back which is rough since a majority of players are starting the reputation grinds to get heroic modes instances. I think I've probably missed the window to get easy rep grind groups; I'll never be keyed. Maybe I'll get the energy to push out 1 1/2 maybe 2 levels tomorrow, even though I am planning to see a movie tomorrow afternoon and tonight.

I have been playing online Scrabble more than WoW this last week. Playing Von Doomliff over Catrine since I haven't her seen around much since I had to bail on our game 2 days ago to stand in the cold for 45 minutes. I learned a couple of the 2-letter words but I've barely scratched the 3-letter words and "Q, J, X, and Z" words which are even more important. I'm totally lost on when I should play multiple small words or when to just build normally. I'm definitely losing points because I'm obsessed with the 2 letter words. Also, I have no idea if anything I'm doing will help me play Scrabble in real life because a lot of the time, I'm just throwing up words and hoping the game recognizes them. I'm ashamed ... because its not helping me win. I'm owned by the time limit, I think I've only won maybe 1 game so far, all other times I've timed out.

Highlight: Finally used my whole letter rack to make the word "ZITI" and "NOMINEE" ( 81-points ). I think I could hear Von Doomliff die a little.


Rocky Balboa is still down the street at the university theater, can I really pass it up for $2.00? Apparently, yes since I slept through both showings last weekend. The Cinema Arts near my house has Venus opening today. Its looks OK, like a Harold and Maude kind of story. I said that to my oldest sister yesterday and she seemed disturbed that her beloved Peter O'Toole would be Maude.


The newest "goth girl show" episode came out yesterday. Plenty of Sunako in this episode which made it more enjoyable than the last episode, but pretty lame because it was your generic plot where people flip personalities and you are suppose to find it hilarious, it was not.

Episode 13: How can people not find the loli-goth girls hilarious. Loli~ Loli~ Goth~ Goth~. The scene where all the dudes try and throw-up the mushrooms was HYSTERICAL.

Anything else?

I found a sealed chopstick package with 3 sticks in it. My first, thought was that it was a mutant. My second thought, I am idiot.

Ohh, I've been slacking on my resolution. I probably haven't written in my journal for like a week or more and I missed 2 days in this piece. I'll probably make up these blog entries this weekend; the journal maybe never?

After browsing for errors I discovered this post is mind-numbing.


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