Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Greatest betrayal in gaming history? Samus is a woman ...?

Why no blog entries?

Quiet. No, really don't say anything. I got no excuses. If you said something I would just have to eat it.

Plees for forgiveness?

JPL, I would like to apologize. HOW I'VE WRONGED YOU! My constant accusations. How this stream of libel must have scarred your heart. Will you ever be able to recover? I will set everyone straight, man; JPL DOES NOT LIKE GREY'S ANATOMY's Sandra Oh but instead prefers the company of men.

You saw that coming, man. Should I fear retaliation? Is that inhaling I hear? Imminent poison blow dart?

No, honestly I wish to apologize ... on behalf of the country of Korea, for bringing Dragon Wars to the United States. HOLY CRAP, this movie sucked so much! Was it a plan maybe? Release a movie so bad it might incapacitate America for the k-invasion? Befuddle us with its massive plot inconsistency and paralyze us with worst dialog ever. Remember those monkeys that I said wrote Sci-fi Originals? The dude who wrote this made those monkeys look like the good damn poet laureate. Those monkeys are churning out sequel to Citizen Kane right now, and not like sequel Karate Kid II to Karate Kid, I mean sequel like Aliens to Alien.



Well other than the AWFUL Dragon Wars, I also saw Resident Evil: Extinction. I don't know if because after seeing Dragon Wars I could have watched Batman and Robin and called it a passable flick, but it wasn't that bad. It wasn't as god awful as the second movie, but definitely not the first movie.

My problems with the movie? Zombies in the desert PLEASE! Unless they are all like hanging out in a Jergen's factory for dudes to pass by, I really don't think its plausible. Then what's up with Milla's psionic powers? Do I get extra nerd points for referring them as psionic instead of psychic?


Ookiku Furikabutte: Man, really like if Japan has as many of these pansy cry baby dude's as anime portrays them to have? I finally understand the need for the numerous amount roving thugs.


Kenichi 49: Dude, hilarious. That woman cheered for an impression of herself.

Anything Else?

JPL is obsessed with poison.

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At September 26, 2007 at 10:17 AM , Blogger VON DOOMLIFF said...

Everyone knows that Alien was superior to Aliens. EVERYONE!


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