Apparently I like spending my free time with idiots...
Drawn? Actually, I did a rough stick outline of a super stereotypical shounen manga I thought up a while back. But no, not really.Today's Focus: WoW PUGs ~ ('P'ick 'U'p 'G'roup)sToday's Focus note: If you are JPL, Groggy, or Von Doomliff. You have heard this crap a billion times, maybe ... 2 billion, but I write it anyways because I don't like it.I think I have mentioned that I've become re-addicted to WoW recently and since I have been inactive for 3 months I got a lot of catching up to do gear, reputation, and attunement wise. Since Ravage, my guild, isn't going to halt the works and stop raiding to help me get everything I need, I'm forced to seek the aid of "others". Who are these "others"? Random people who also, for some reason, don't have people to run these instances with them. Number 1 reason why they don't have anyone to run instance with them? Anyone (looks right)? Anyone (looks left, and then right quickly), its an easy answer? FYI: THEY'RE MORONS.For those of you who don't play MMOs or have never experienced a PUG ... how can I make a real-life comparison? Its like if you went into a room with 4 raging spastic imbecile and then voluntarily locked the only way out and then swallowed the key, and then you would have to wait 1 1/2 to 5 hours to painfully excrete this key back out and get the hell out of there. Oh, and these people all have guns; guns called inadequacy. This is the pleasurable description of a PUG.There are so many reasons why PUG groups suck so much, but I am going to just cover two of them since they seem to be the two things I piss and moan about the most.1. Most groups depend solely on a single class slash player to succeed. Who's fault? THE TANK!This game is too easy. There is only one class that requires the minimum of work, skill and knowledge and other people are at the whim of this player to get a little bit of those. They don't. Really please do, please for the love of god read a forum post on how to play and spare people the agony of having to be associated with you.Hey guy, if 4 other people in your group are telling you to do something, its probably the RIGHT THING to do! Stop thinking that you have a new and creative way to do the job because obviously you don't even know the old correct way! You're no rebel! You should only be even prepare to rebel against is the mob of people who will want to punch you in the face if they find out where you live.Why are you so senstive too? Why are you such a pansy? That you cannot handle a little instruction and cry like the girl you are and make the rest of you cater to your every need because it would take HOURS to get another warrior!I DON'T LIKE YOU!!!!!!2. One uber-suck player can ruin the whole thing. Major offender? THE MAGE!I'm not really going to elaborate too much on this because I could literally rant endlessly. I'm just going to say that 98% of all mages are complete tools, then there is the 2% I haven't met. I hate them. I hate them like I would hate the person who found the body of my old cat, reanimated him, then reversed time till he was a kitten, and redundantly killed him by choking him under water. "YOU STUPID STUPIDLY CRUEL BASTARD!" They don't know how to play, they don't want to learn how to play, and their mothers are street walkers. Not that kind that walk for a low impact exercise, nope. I mean hookers; hookers that raise dimwits for children.Dude, mage, dude .. mage.. dude... here are some points for you man.1. Don't break your own sheep. You got that man, you got that. YOU GOT THAT. YOUUUUUUUU GOT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!2. Don't nuke the mob .003 seconds after engaging. Then after you pull aggro, blame the tank. Its not the tank fault, its yours. AND DON'T be like, "Oh, I've had tanks hold aggro off me! you just suck..." because this tank in your scenario DOES NOT EXIST. If I asked for the name of this tank, you would be like ", a name? Hm, Mylies?" WORST part about that, is like the 3 other dudes who aren't me would be like, "Oh, must be real; he has a name. How is that pronounced? Like, like...'miles'?"3. Stop playing.Anything Else?Not today. PRETTY tired.
If only Rsober was a word?
Lost Entries? 40 (+ 10. I've had this thing in my edit box for 10 days!!! No wonder entries are lost.)Blog or lack of?I actually miss updating this ... because if I was updating it, it would mean I'm finally not working! I think I'll try and make this one pretty brief, yet I always seem to fall short of brief.(I actually have done very little the last 5(+5) days but switching from soda to ice tea has seemed to sap my awakeness, so doing much of anything was not easy. Apparently though I need to muster the energy to at least complete this because some of my readers are demanding of work time entertainment. (Actually I've gotten over the sleepiness, I've replaced it with good old fashion laziness.))Work or lack of?Definitely too much. I hear rumor of hiring another person.(Now I hear rumor that there might be a lot of hiring in the long term which is good. This office could use some more people since its the most boring place on earth ... and it wouldn't hurt if there were a little bit of ... office eye candy. Hm, but more workers does mean a possible revealing of my slacking ... I'm torn.)Anime?
I started watching this:
Princess Tutu.Princess Tutu 1-14(+15-26): I heard a lot of hype a long time ago for being one of these shows that is greater than its looks. Well it is better than it looks! After reading like review after review that said the same thing, I was still shocked; I'm virtually Japanese! If you didn't know, Japanese people love to underestimate things based solely on looks and age, not their own eyes and facts (Note: assumption derived solely from anime.) Still got a the last 2 DVD to watch before I give a full review, but they've been up on my shelf for like almost a week and a half (three weeks now). YOU GOT ME NETFLIX YOU GOT ME!!!!! My laziness is finally paying your bills!
(NETFLIX continues to "GOT ME!!!!!" I've still got movies sitting around from like a month ago, yet I am still hesitating to cancel; what's wrong with me? But anyways I did muster up enough energy to finish watching Tutu, and it was good, very good. It was a bit gay at points with the dancing, but the story was excellent and the cat teacher was HILARIOUS! Dude, just wanted to get married ... reminds me of someone from my past? Von somebody, hm? The ending though, looks like its going to wrap up to be a completely happy ending, but it is not ... its like only 98% happy. Definitely the fact it was not a perfect clean up, added a bit of validity to the ending. Props, you've succeeded in being better than Minority Report.)
Kenichi umm ... numbers: This show is picking up, definitely heading toward more grueling training and if we are lucky a montage. (Just watched newest episode, the training doesn't seem anymore grueling, but I think there was a moment in the middle that could be considered montage like ... I approve.)
Naruto Shippuden ... yeah you know, also numbers: Dude, like they just needed to stay focused on the Gaara fight. Like honestly I could have done without any of the Kohona parts, which basically only included scenes of long lamenting looks to kill time, and personally I don't care how tough you are with your "gloves" ... Sakura you will always suck it biggy style ... what? WHAT? I don't even know. (Just watched newest episode at 2:00 am last night, it was a horrible decision. The episode was uneventful really even though there was a fight, but as JPL pointed out, some quality flash back to the original show. I think it has made me pine to rewatch it.)
The WOE of choosing anime: Hm, last night(+ 2 weeks) a lot of new anime torrents, for crap I've never heard of, came out so I'm guessing the new season is here. This is a tough time with tough choices. Basically you have to figure out what to watch based solely off: the name, a single image and description on a site like, and your own anime experience. "Why not download them all and just see which ones you like Mockingdale?"
"YOU NAIVE SILLY BASTARD! You obviously have 36 hours days and like watching poop on TV!" No, really this was the idea I had at first started downloading because I didn't want to miss anything good. There is just too much crap to watch, like 800 shows come out in one week, and its not like you can just watch the first episode and be like ... "that sucks it huge!" or "THAT'S AWESOME!" In my opinion, "THAT'S AWESOME!" is more dangerous than "that sucks it huge!" because it might lead to a commitment of pain. The watching of an anime is exactly that, a commitment! It is a well known fact that almost all animes take time not to suck, so if you are really an anime watcher you give a show about 3 to 5 PAINFULLY bad episodes, and maybe 8 to 10 mediocre ones before you abort completely, and sometimes ... you feel too pot-committed to a show and it hurts to go on but you keep watching every week...... OHHHHH MY GOD YOU ARE SO BAD MADLAX!!!!!!!! But here I'll break down my process in a couple of examples:
A torrent came out for something called Murder Princess OVA 1, it had plenty of people downloading it. Hmm, Murder Princess? Cool name, but there is a good possibility its about vampires. Lets see what the descriptions says and more importantly the tiny tiny pic...
In the 4th of Month of Jade, Cyndina Era 672, a coup d’etat broke out in Foreland. To escape the assault, Princess Arita fled the castle. She ran screaming into the forest as her guards were killed by unknown assailants. When she exited the forest, she came upon a woman drawing her sword.
The woman, Pharis, was the strongest bounty hunter in history. It is rumored that she killed a dragon and is accompanied by Death. As Arita tried to ask Pharis for help, she bumped into her. This caused the land beneath them to give way and send them crashing off a cliff. While they were falling, a light swallowed them. They landed on the ground, but their souls had been exchanged. Pharis, now in Arita's body, asked that she be allowed to protect the country as princess and Arita agreed. Now, the strongest and most cruel princess in history is born: Murder Princess.
Even though not clearly mentioned anywhere in the text. It still smells of vampires OR a vampirian like supernatural creature most likely just categorised under demon, the picture: red text on black and Victorian-esque clothing. TOO GOTH! This thing is not getting the Mockingdale stamp of approval, plus its an OVA which means its probably too short and rushed and will take months if not years to be fully subtitled. DENIED!
A different torrent, with good downloads, for something called Hayate no Gotoku, what about that? I don't speak Japanese! To the tiny picture...
Alternative Titles: Hayate the Combat Butler
An unfortunate high school student, Ayasaka Hayate spends his days working at part-time jobs to support his extravagant parents. After incurring a debt of 150 million yen, they disappear, and Hayate was left holding the bag. Whilst running away from the debt collectors, he tries to kidnap a girl for ransom. However, the girl misunderstands his intentions and thinks he is confessing his love to her. Almost immediately, he botches the kidnap attempt but then manages to save her from other kidnappers, causing her to fall in love with him. The girl, Sanzenin Nagi, is actually the daughter of a millionaire family. In recognition of his services, she hires Hayate as a resident butler and even pays off the debt collectors. This is how Hayate becomes a combat butler. In order to serve and protect his mistress, Hayate’s life-or-death butler life begin.
DOWNLOADED! I didn't need to go further than Alternate Title: Hayate the Combat Butler. The Japanese are the foremost authority on animated butler humor, add the fact he fights, which honestly all animated Japanese butlers do and man they don't just fight they are friggin elite. If I could have anyone serving me breakfast and eliminating my enemies it would be a Japanese animated butler and/or head maid. I could look at the rest of the description and picture.
Picture: Hm, most likely the maid and butler going to get a thing going, and the yellow hair girl she obviously going become infatuated with the butler as he saves her life weekly, and you are going to get a triangle going with one of the corners being loli~.
Description: Dude botches a kidnapping! Excellent comedy ... obviously I don't care what's there; it could say "Worst show ever." I'm still sold on Combat Butler alone ... I think a mixture of the dude from Big O and the fact in Excel Saga a guy said "I sense you Space Butler!" has sold me on the idea every time!
Enough of the chit-chat I think this is done.
Games? Movies? TV? Anything else you have written in almost 3 weeks, even you must have done more than this? What is "Rsober"?
I have gamed. I have movied. I have not really TV'ed, and I think some of it will be written about soon like Grindhouse, Puzzle Quest, and of course my renewed WoW addiction. "Rsober"... Hm, something about Scrabble, if I remember I attach it to a post?