Friday, August 31, 2007

I don't care what Rod Sterling says pig-people are always ugly...

Anything Else?

"Doesn't 'Anything Else?' come at the end of the blog entry?" Yes, yes it does, and that's what this is? I didn't even remember I was going to post anything at all until a few minutes ago. I don't even know why I am posting this now?

Well I know why because I thought just a few minute before that I thought I should rant about how I'm not a fan how nerdiness is moving into the "in" ... but I felt it would have been "too ranty?", "too st00dent?", "Murph-esque?" But to summarize what probably would have been boring, wordy, and not at all hilarious post ... basically I believe nerds should remain slash should be down trodden because society's belittling and condescensions of them is the true nerd's fuel, not like 4 Red Bulls chased by a Monster followed by a Ramune fizzy pop drink.

Well on to the wrap up? I was going to buy my 360 on the way home, play it all weekend, but turns out that if I wait until Sunday and buy it I get a free controller ... CAN'T PASS THAT UP!!! Its a good thing I'm getting some kind of deal because I waited too long looks like I can't get any thing off my damn games I want. How did I miss it?! Ohhh, yeah lazy ...

Until then I'll have to fill my time up with other things: WoW, DS, anime, or maybe I'll go watch Star Dust for the 4th time. Yeah, you know what sad? ... I'm serious.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Reflections on Wednesdays' Tuesday with Von Doomliff...

Verdict? HILARIOUS! ... actually not really, but it sounds better than Verdict? Not too shabby."

It was pretty sweet actually, especially because I didn't have to write anything at all. I'm a big fan of that; not doing anything. If my blog could go up and me not have to do anything, its like the dream of dreams. Its like the blog equivalent of ... man, really like seems so odd I can't like imagine an over the top fantasy to put here. I was thinking of maybe like something crapping gold, because you know gold is valuable and things crap with ease and frequency, so that's cool. But really I don't know how like comfortable I am really with amassing my fortune fecally.

Anyways, did I hurt your feelings Von Doomliff because I didn't say it was hilarious? Not even that I didn't say at all, I said it and then JERKED it way, and replaced with a phrase that denotes it was barely more than adequate. Maybe I didn't think it was because of the heinous use of the first person.

"Mockingdale, do you not like the first person? Wait... Isn't me calling you Mockingdale basically first person?" "Umm, I have no idea. Maybe its second person because I never understood what that was? Omnipresent voice ... .. ... um, what?"

Nah, it was pretty funny; capital Z hate, I laughed out loud. I eagerly await the next installment. I wonder what Von Doomliff's favorite films are? I could wager a guess:
  1. Runaway Bride
  2. The Bodyguard
  3. Pearl Harbor
  4. Starship Troopers
  5. Boy Meets World the TV Series: Season 4
Dude, you love some bad movies. The comedy here might be completely lost because you don't know how fast I literally compiled this list of films. My fingers finished "Season 4" and my brain was still only on "Pearl Harbor" and today became yesterday.

Anything Else?

Going to buy an Xbox 360 + Blue Dragon, and most likely BIOSHOCK if that's out, I think, this weekend.

I just found out today I don't have to work Monday, so yeah... I should have probably thought of something to do... Richmond is so friggin' far away.

My old nerdy haunt of youth, Comic World, is closing down. QUITE SAD.

Actually, might have to rename "Tuesday with Von Doomliff", to "Kneel Before Von Doomliff" because everyone should know I'm a big fan of Zod's undying love of people to be lower than he is to show that he is better than they are ... "KNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeEEEEEELLLLLL!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tuesday with Von Doomliff - "Hulk smash puny handwriting."

Now because I am incapable of actually writing an entry everyday; a weekly addition by Von Doomliff named , " Tuesday with Von Doomliff "

Welcome to the inaugural edition of "Tuesdays with Von Doomliff", initially I wished to entitle this "Kneel before Von Doomliff", but my people advise against it. Some may wonder why Von Doomliff is blogging, Von Doomliff's advisors tell him that it is the twenty first century way to maintain a presence with the proletariat, that it makes a connection with them. Von Doomliff feels the only connection the people need is with the oubliette, but Von Doomliff acquiesces for now.

The burning question all must ask is; "What is Von Doomliff doing with his time", and the answer is thus: Working on his penmanship. Von Doomliff has decided that his written word is not the epitome of perfection that he demands so Von Doomliff has begun a systematic program designed to improve penmanship.

Why has Von Doomliff mastered the Q first over all letters, Von Doomliff knows of the Q's uselessness, yet it flows from the pen like a beautiful flower. The Q suffers from a similar problem as the Z, in that it doesn't really look like what it is supposed to be, though it is not as severe as the Z, if you squint hard enough you can at least imagine the Q is a Q, the Z however is shit. Von Doomliff wants someone to explain the capital cursive Z. It is not a letter, Von Doomliff demands to know who is responsible, Von Doomliff plans to develop time travel to return to the past and flay whomever created this typographical abomination.

Von Doomlif feels that all cursive can be explained as perhaps a drunken bet between some manuscript illuminators, either that or perhaps the ancients were just assholes, it matters not, they too will all tremble before the wrath of Von Doomliff.

That is all for now, return next week for another fascinating insight into the world of Von Doomliff, when we will discuss Von Doomliff's favorite films.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

GOD, I hate Lou Diamond Phillips...

Inside the mind of Mockingdale?

Ahhh, I have nothing to talk about ... really. I guess I could talk about WoW but it would go something like this, "waaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

So, I decided to give a quick primer on some of my favorite things:

5 Favorite Movies:
  1. Goonies - So many epic speeches ... plus the recreation of Chunk throwing up is genius.
  2. Karate Kid - Macchio, Morita, Shue, plus one of the greatest montage song every composed.
  3. Monty Python's Holy Grail - MOST OVER QUOTED MOVIE EVER.
  4. Clue - "I'm going home to sleep with my wife."
  5. Resident Evil 1 - Really this should be Conan: The Barbarian, but magically shrinking dress.
Honorable Mention:

Seven Samurai - For just possibly being the greatest movie ever put on film.

Don't let persons tell you the ARMAGEDDON seems to be missing from my list. Those people are dirty filthy liars. HOW DARE THEY?! Its not like I'm ashamed, for the love of god I openly put Resident Evil on there.

What only one "feel good sports movie"? Why do I mention this? Because 1/2 of the Council of John Pauls seems to think that numbers dictate preference and that saying "feel good sports movies" is my favorite genre I am, "...only lying to myself"! MAN, I LOVE KARATE KID!! "...body bag!" "...sweep the leg." "...always look in eye!" That thing that dude does with the hands... It doesn't matter if I have gone to twenty-four hundred light romantic comedies and only ever seen Karate Kid, Rocky and Rodney Dangerfield's Ladybugs. I PREFER FEEL GOOD SPORTS MOVIES!

Anything Else?

JPL's list of favorite movies: 1. Brokeback, 2. Brokeback, 3. Brokeback, 4. Brokeback, 5. The Crow - Oh, so goth.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

"...peasants line up all day, and I tell them to cut crap in half."

Status: Friday Night?

Who dominates the world YET AGAIN!? Me, man ... ME! I went with a different strategy this time of playing people who are far more interested in the DS than playing Risk ... seriously, how clever is that? Oh that, and being blood thirsty ... these people I play with they don't WANT it bad enough ... take lessons from my boy, Conan ... "lamentations of their woman" indeed!

Amanda is gone for now, apparently there will be no games with her until deep winter. Yet I have a new "smack talkin' " opponent. Apparently, Mike Judy claims my previous victory was due to his masterful placement of pieces during pre-game, and that I'm too cocky or something. Once he returns from like 90 year mid-western slash Canadian voyage ... he will get his chance to be proven wrong.

SIDE NOTE: Team Half-Alaska might need to be changed to the slightly more race-centric Partially White.


Rocket Science: Awkward? Yes. Good? No.

It wasn't that bad. But I just have a few questions? Why did this movie have so much making out? Why is the dude who made it so st00dent? Did the dude who made this get a call from the guy who made Thumbsuckers suckers going, "Why are you jacking my stuff?" "What? Its nothing like Thumbsuckers?" "Really? Come on? COME ON ... COOOOME ON... come on ... ..."

Nah, like I completely understand why this movie was made. Its like taking the grandiose ideas of the typical movie: like winning over the girl, come from behind impossible victory, sweet sweet vengeance ... and showing you that they are unrealistic. Then you are to derive pleasure from this dude's constant failures... why? I can guarantee unless its like a dude wearing the world's like tightest black turtle neck and has the most primped messy hair is anyone going, "It was brilliant that bitch didn't get what she deserved. Its so real! Wasn't it real, Neal, my boyfriend .. Neal? You're a man, Neal is a man's name... let us go back to my 'flat' and continue to be gay and British."

Movie did have its moments, like the time it took the dude 3 tries to get the cello through the window and when his brother said, "DON'T EVER STEAL THE STUFF I'VE STOLEN!"

Stardust? What's with Clare Daine's face?

I've seen this movie too many times. Claire Daine's makes this face during one scene actually several faces. Its cute I guess, but really I can imagine the only way to get someone to make these faces is to ask them to "look more like a retard".


Nana - Its over? Are you KIDDING ME!?

What?! Man, I was expecting the mother of all fall outs, a literal drama bomb, but instead I haven't felt so jipped since the ending of KareKano. Man, I'm not going to buy the comic ... I'm NOT!? SHUT UP, NO WAY MAN... NO WAY!

Anything Else?

No. I don't think so! I got to go buy some comic books!

Actually, why is the theme to Conan so good? dumdumdedum dadadumdedum DANANANAAaaa...

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Your over-confidence will be your down fall...

Agenda? World domination?

So it seem I will get a chance to play Risk once more this summer. Amanda has not returned to MIT yet and from what I have heard she is the one that has demanded a rematch.

I should be saying things like: "Hey, Amanda. I didn't know you loved losing so much, you wanted to do it again?", "Amanda, its not that you were to weak, I was just too strong ... no, no actually you were weak, too. I was trying to be nice, but it was too big a lie not to be exposed ..." and "No the only loser here is 'YOU'! ... and your face."

But I will refrain because I will never forget once while playing Resident Evil ZER0. I made a haughty claim ... give me a moment as I flashback in my mind. After doing an tedious time-consuming puzzle, I was ready to engage the final boss, and Larri, a good friend and avid Resident Evil fan, was like "you better go back save or you'll have to do all that stuff again ..." and I dared to reply, "Nah, I'll just win instead." Oh, the heuvos I have!

WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING??? SAVING IS CRUCIAL. If you could save in real life you live right next to the thing; be it glimmering aura, a shiny floating crystal, mysteriously placed orb, a god damn tent... you'd never leave man you just be like ... "HELL YEAH, overwrite previous data!"

I'm sure you can guess, that I did not beat the boss. I received a stare and "man..." from Larri that felt like the equivalent of being in a stockade having to hear insults in British accents and/or being whipped.

Anything Else?

Umm, no idea. I think we must end our game at 12 am, so who knows what is going on after that ... I might see Stardust yet again. Damn this Asian blood ... a slave to light romantic comedies. Tomorrow going to have to see the Order of the Phoenix with the family, but probably going to check out this indy high school flick, Rocket Science. Ahh, I bet this movie has like a 89% chance of being painfully awkward 100% of the time.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

"Bring me $20 worth of huevos. INMEDIATAMENTE!"

What the hell have you been up to since March 24, 2007 ???

"GET THAT CORN OUT OF MY FACE!" No, really how am I suppose remember the things I have done in that time? Well, I don't need to remember ... I'm pretty sure it was just playing WoW and going to work. Life has been pretty lame for these many months and that's how I like it.

Anything Memorable?

Out of all this time away, I think the most memorable thing that has happened is I played like the world's shortest game of Risk. We started playing at 9:30 and the world was completely dominated by 11:40.

"Two hours and ten minutes? That doesn't seem fast at all ..." "SHUT UP! You have never played Risk!" I deny that a normal game of Risk takes any less than 27 hours to complete, THAT is the bare minimum. I would normally set aside 37 hours just to play a single game, and most of the time that is not enough.

Who won? Me of course ... What was the secret of my success? Easy. Giving really bad advice to people who aren't me, and most importantly after they do what I suggested, not going ... "OH man, I can't believe you just did that . . . suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

I do hope I get to play another game of Risk before the summer is out but I think one of our key players, Amanda, is back to school at MIT. I was just next to MIT last weekend. I guess I could have just rolled up in there and been like . . .

I guess that's why I didn't because I got nothing witty to say. It would have been a completely wasted to trip. I would have like showed up ... maybe shrugged and said, "These buildings look much nicer from the outside." She would have been, "Is that it? You traveled this far just for that? Loser!" Obviously around then I would feel bad ... man, how about this fake scenario has blown up in my face. I should really think these fantasies through before continuing with my thought. In retrospect in my head as I walking down the hall thinking I should have said, "The only "loser" here is your face."

Other Risk Highlights:

1. Wondered if it would be possible to phone-in a game of Risk while driving through the midwest.

2. When I took over Australia from Great Britain by way of Kamchatka.

3. I thought maybe we should play team Risk only because I wanted to call my team, Team Half-Alaska. I laughed for days over the name, why? Because one dude is from Alaska and I am not. Do you not see the genius?

4. This dude John. After starting the game in Africa, he eventually took over South America and called it "South Africa". Not hilarious. But hysterical when he started moving into North America in hopes of taking it over and calling it "North South Africa". Also, called this guy's three remaining troops "Delta Force Ural".

Anything Else?

Not really? I mean I did other stuff but I don't want to write about it. Will I continue to write at all? Who knows?

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