"A" is to jump, "B" is to kill.
Lost Entries? 32
Acclimating to change?
Apparently my need for the jump button to be "A", shows I lack the ability to evolve to the new friendlier button config which is not exactly new since the SNES controller came out like eighty-hundred years ago. The council of John Pauls' tell me that "Y" as attack and "B" as jump is just the "way". Who am I to deny their cumulative wisdom?
Here JPL breaks it down for me in an IM conversation:

Yesterday I bought this:
Konami's Best - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
I've played it all of like 15 seconds, so I can't give you a real review but they fact there are 2 people who are vendors at the very beginning of the castle doesn't bode well with me. After Minish Cap review you can tell I am not a fan of back tracking, so if every 20 minutes I'm like "Better head back to the very beginning of the game ... awesome." That is not going to fly... not going to FLY.
Other than that, I'll write real review after I've actually played it. Well, there is one obvious problem that the internet is a blaze about, is that Castlevania:DoS is part of the new Konami's the BEST series of games and it has the worst box EVER, and there has numerous comments to be found if you go to game blogs and forums, but I don't think anyone who reads my blog goes to those so I'll put my own picture of this crap-tacular case.

"goth girl show" 19: Best episode yet. Not too much dudes, plenty of Sunako and Sunako voice acting, loli~goth and 'girl I stated best character in show' appearances, and final some progression in the romance.
Finally saw Invincible. The tragedies needed to be bigger, too make the triumphs even sweeter. This movie is no Miracle, "I PLAY FOR THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA!"
Anything Else?
I'm sure there is and I'm sure there should be a "TV?" section, I finished watching Prison Break . There should be mention of this show, it was stellar, but frankly I'm too sleepy to continue.
I could sleep right now ... and you would never know about it because you can't see me; the perfect crime.