I dubbed thee ... Dark Crystal 2.
Drawing?I don't even know what that is anymore?Lost Entries Update?16 entries was a gross miscalculation. As of now, I am 15 entries behind and I still don't know if "recoup" was the word I was looking for or if its even a word.Its becoming harder and harder to write my normal entries let alone make up for lost ones. After I signed up as a member of this company they got me doing what seems like a lot of real work. I'm only writing this now because I got frustrated with trying to replace this thing with a larger more blue thing, which now that I'm thinking about it I will most likely have to give some more stuff down here ... you can't see where I'm waving my hand but its like under it. Really I have so much work that needs to be done now, if I took the time to tell you "no joke" it would already too late, no joke. DAMN IT! ... I am already fired!Games?Hm, nothing really. Played some old games at the Katsucon game room. Definitely nostalgic, the way the Dreamcast and Xbox controllers were ripping the skin off my thumb. Also, I still own Magical Drop 3, but not so much at Tetris Attack. The Tetris Attack line was long and fast moving; like a game of musical chairs were one dude never gets up, and the other guy doesn't sit down to be safe but instead raped. I had my turn, and I left the chair glassy eyed and not the same as I was before.Anime?Nodame Cantabile 4 - 6: Well, OK then its definitely an orchestra. The new character Milk is the beast. The act of petty jealousy in episode 6 warranted a "laugh out loud". This guy being awesome brings the number of watchable characters for this show to ... two. Nodame sucks more than I originally thought.Naruto Shippuuden 1-2: New name, same old crap. SOOooo much build up, and no fight. It was nice that there is still a show after two years of fillers episodes. Japan you are a better man than I. Opening theme song BLOWS.Half of NANA 32: TOO MUCH DRAMA."goth girl show" 15-16: I approve theses episodes. They weren't all that good but each had plenty of Sunako and quality loli~goth girl cameos, but what the hell is with episode 15? Is pirate ghosts the new beach episode? The sports festival episode it was OK, but School Rumble S2 told me these episodes can be GREAT!Kenichi 9: For the 20 years I had to wait for this to come out, I wish something actually had happened.Movie and TV?Presidents Day, you bastard! The lack of US postal service on this day has thrown off the efficiency of my whole Netflix plan. Never will I be fully satisfied since I will always be a day behind; everytime I watch a movie I will mumble, "I could have been watching this yesterday ... nyah~". Other than that its pretty sweet, the stuff comes right to your house. My first 3 DVDs arrived on Saturday.What did I get?WONDERFALLSThis show was very good, yet not good at all. No it was very good ... I guess. I don't know I liked it. HELL NO! I very well may have become completely obsessed with this show for the few days the DVDs were in my room.This show is like the girl from Dead Like Me was put into Early Edition, and they replaced the dude's paper with talking animals trinkets. Do you want me to say more, probably because you think I would have something good to say or possibly anything of substance, but I don't so there you go.
Note: This show had me in episode 3 when the girl says, "I am fate's bitch. I destroy you."
"Internet!!!!!!!" Six exclamation points too many? A hundred too little?
Lost Entries?16 missed entries. Is that even fathomable to recoup? Is "recoup" the word I think it is?Confirmed?Do I use computers and the internet too much? A few days ago I needed to fill in some paperwork for my new medical benefits. I was unsure about one of the questions so I went into my bosses' office and said, "Do I need one of these life insurance packages or should I just click this box here?" Did you miss it? Let me replay that for ya ... "ssssssssssssshhhhhoooooouuuulld IIIiiiiii jjuuuuuuuuuust CLICK..." I was deeply ashamed that came out of my mouth. DEEPLY. That really happened ... click this box ...Games?WoW? Still hardly playing it, but I am playing "some", which is much more than the "none" I was playing it. I'm still not 70, still not attuned/keyed, and guild leader still making posts that people who aren't 70 and keyed are the suck.Trying to curb the game spending, which I think I'm still failing because I pre-ordered Lost in Blue 2 for the special twig stylus bonus. I bought a few things last weekend but a couple of them weren't to play but to try and ebay. I need to muster the energy to do that; I'm sure its going to take a while for me to get them up auction because of ... the fear, THE FEAR ... the laziness. Hm, one of the games I got to sell was Electroplankton. Which brings me to this, a couple weekends ago Mike( or as I will refer to him from now on, Mr. Judy ) mentions Lost in Blue, surprisingly a few days later I found it and picked it up. Next time I see Mr. Judy and his fiance, she like check this out and she whips out a copy of Electroplankton. I play it and get creeped out because it recorded my voice and I don't know if you know, I sound quite girly over a microphone, so I shut it off with the quickness. Then again a few days later I see it in the store and pick it up. Seem silly but I feel I should keep the purchase of the game secret from them because I don't want to be accused of "game stalking". I'm a dumb, or am I dumber than I think I can be, if I just thought I was dumb?Plus, I can't believe this Mr. Judy. After we hung out maybe 4 times, he asks me to help him move. I was outraged, but instead of saying that I recount a time where Von Doomliff while trying to get his queen size mattress into a van, accidentally wrapped himself up like a burrito. I laughed and ignored his request after making a reference to having to once move a piano.I've spent a lot of time playing Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap. This game both sucks and is entertaining. Everyone reading ... don't think about the word suck-tainment, or enter-tucking, or whatever. What is your insistence on blending words. Word combos "jumped the shark" after the word "gi-normous" was in the Enormous Omelet Sandwich commercial. Anyways I think I might write me a little review slash "rant on water temples" once i is completed the game. I don't think I've actually beaten a game in like ... 6 years.Note: Told one of my best friends I was both "scared" and "impressed" with something. He said "skim-pressed". This word is skim-pressive in how usable it is. I think " tru-che' " may finally have a contender.Anime, TV, Movies?Nada. Only thing on those topics I have to talk about is that I just signed up for Netflix. I've never heard a bad thing about it. Well I did hear one bad thing about it, but it wasn't a real thing and I told my sister last night, so that means 50% of my viewers have already heard this joke. I don't think I should retell it, even though it was a good chuckle, but I don't want the dwell in the past. Who am I kidding? I love the past. I once told someone I had a house in the past where I like vacation in the summer because its not too hot and smelled nice.But hopefully my first dvds will come in the mail today. I got some short lived Fox show called Wonderfalls. It aired for like 4 episodes then got cancelled. Why did I make this my first choice?Anything Else?Been thinking maybe my blog should have a point maybe a few articles. So you know I work on my SEO and get all WEB 2.0 up in this piece ... not really. That was for you Von Doomliff.Also, I think I've kind of insulting to Mr. Judy twice so far, maybe 3 times because when I say "Mister Judy" I say it pretty fast and kind of scream the Judy part with a long emphasis on the "AAYYYYYYEEEEE" sound on the end ...do you know what I mean? What happens if he becomes a reader?
Next time I post it must have an image because the blandness is tremendous. I did do a little bit of the font resizing for effect. You know that JPL is a master of that ... everything I know about comedic font resizing is from him; pre-JPL it was all bolds and italics. There is no fun in that, none.
Gimped harder: Worf or Martian Man Hunter?
Drawing?Nope, but Von Doomliff gave me an idea for another zombie strip but honestly robots need attention! They're cool ... I swear."The Lost Entries" ?Calling them "The Lost Entries" does give them an air of intrigue slash mystery. As if these entries contained such insight into the daily goings on of Guy Mockingdale that they needed removed and hidden away, so the readers would never need to know how inferior their lives are to mine. I'm not going to lie to you, that's the truth.
Actually the past 2 days I didn't write anything because they've had me working at my work. It was much better when I didn't work at work, but ... no it was just better, THIS SUCKS! You can see part of what I've worked here to the left. What is it you ask? Its suppose to be a database icon. I have no idea what databases are suppose to look like, but the internet told me kind of like of like a stack of floating Smarties. This icon took me like a long time to make, a very long time. I would only embarrass myself by throwing out real life numbers, so I won't. Also, its the second fully vector based object I've ever made ( the first being a disembodied version of my head going "I am Korea." - Mockingdale Trivia). What does that mean? It means ... it means I'm pretty impressed with myself. I look at this thing many times during the day and go "Oh, that's nice."Games?No WoW for 3 straight days, I'm shocked.I bought Final Fantasy VI yesterday and Metroid Prime Pinball. I'll probably trade in MPP tomorrow at GS/EB since it 100% suck, but I bought it just to get the rumble pack. I need to get over my fear of buying off the internet since I saw MPP cheap on Ebay, but I'm still weary of people taking me for scam dollars. This is why I still don't have an M3 adapter. Why don't I have one yet!? I need to steal things off the internet and not pay money at a store. When I pay money for something, I'm really only robbing myself! Quote me on that.Also, this weekend I went up against 2 competitors to show them how massive my brain was or possibly how fast my brain could tap a stylus. My brain definitely made a good showing, but unfortunately "my over confidence was my downfall" and I suffered a crushing last minute defeat to someone I will only call, Guy Mockingdale's sister Ginger.I played some Magic on Saturday, this brings me to one of my greatest shames. I thought I was pretty nerdy when I watched the Go channel while visiting my sister in Japan. NOT QUITE. Was I nerdy when I watched hours upon hours of StarCraft on Korean TV? HARDLY. Last night I did something that broke unknown barriers in the arena of nerdy activities. I downloaded videos of ... are you ready? MAGIC: THE GATHERING TOURNEY MATCHES. Yes, that is right! I downloaded and watched two guys playing a collectible card game. "But Mockingdale, poker is a card game and its cool, and why do you and everyone in your dramatizations call you by your last name?""Poker is cool because there tons of cash and everyone wears shades. In Magic everyone seems to be wearing something with a dragon on it, and I think its weird to call some dude, Guy." Really doing this speaks of unbelieved levels of nerd. If my nerdiness was a bad ass, it would be Worf if he lived up to the hype instead of being knocked out 3 seconds into every fight.Anime?Death Note 16: Dude ... dude ... Light, the things you need to do to be better then L."goth girl show" 14: I really dont like this show when it has very little Sunako in it. I was excited to see that 15 stars the "loli~ loli~ goth~ goth~" crew, so hilarious.Nodame Cantabile 3: This girl still sucks. Hilarious dude hardly in this episode. New character awful. I think frames of dude from Paradise Kiss accidentally added near end...no wait, maybe. Are they going to form a whole orchestra or is this jazz trio going to be it, I hope?Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru 1-10: I've concluded that everyone in Japan wants to be gay, but not really. Their attempts to find a loop hole in being completely gay has only succeeded in making them gayer.TV, Movies, Anything else?Nada, on the movies and TV ... other than the same old stuff. Missing Rome constantly, but I'm sure I can catch up on the Thursday, Friday, maybe Saturday encores, plus I'm positive they will have 3 episode run on Sunday leading up to there 4 episode marathon encore of encore, encore ...Mel Gibson, Mel Gibson ( Von Doomliff are you ashamed I repeated a joke I used on a txt to you, and combining with a joke you've made and I'm sure you forgotten about Apocalypto ).
Lastly, I would like to say I think I'm trying too hard. "Yes, definitely Mockingdale. 'If my nerdiness was a bad ass ...'? Come on. "I'm put under pressure since I found out my blog traffic has increased a 100%~! I don't know if can handle that many readers, such scrutiny. Trying to compensate with weak jokes and quirky references... too MUCH! Can I ever be "real" again! I don't know.
Way to go making up those entries!
Drawing? Who has time to think about that? I've missed three blog entries, and my life doesn't even have enough lame material to back log them ... I love to complain.Thought?DUDE!? Do internet nerds sit by their cats putting crap next to them all day praying for a picture they can make into some forum pic! How many dudes are yelling at their cats? Don't LIE! You know they do it! "PLAY WITH THE DS!!! I SAID PLAY WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, just like that, give me internet fame..." /click /click /click ...Another thought, I'm a nerd.Games?Still slacking hardcore on WoW. I'm still 67 and no sight of 68 anytime soon. All the lvl 70s are working hard on their faction, gearing up with the new uber blues, and preparations for the first 25-man raid are in the works. There was a post on our forums from Dusk ( guild leader ) and from the tone I could only imagine its the same stuff as always. He pointed out people got to work so everyone not going to level at the same speed and their aren't cliques ( but there are ) and to just stop your belly aching. I take this as a sign of when I eventually hit 70 I shouldn't say anything and find my own attunement/faction groups, as I always did before ( except I can't count drag Groggy in on it, GOD it was good to see him suffer ).My game buying addiction continues. I really need to set up a budget because its getting RIDICULOUS; I look for something new to buy everyday now. Anyway, I got Zelda: Minish Cap a couple of days ago and its awesome. Today I have failed myself; I got stuck finding the SECOND temple and had to FAQ how to get to it. Of couse the answer was obvious and easy; thank goodness all I needed to pay for that info was my dignity. I was hoping I could hold out on the FAQ until my faithful encounter with water temple ... "Water temple ... so, we meet again."Other stuff?Nothing really. Probably getting stuck here again this weekend. If the weather allows maybe finally make it over to Venus. Wait on anime fansubs that I feel are taking FOREVER to get out. Make up those lost blog entries?